Saturday, June 25, 2011

Godcrastination No 3!

Here's no. 3!

'Love is a decision to meet another person’s needs for life without expecting yours to be met'

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"Walking by faith should be like walking through your house on a dark early morning. You cannot see but glimpses of anything, but you know the route so well that you don't stumble or run into anything. And you can do this, for you know that the darkness won't be forever. The sun will rise and the light will come." ~ J. Page [a friend of mine]


"...God knows this and He is using you in ways you probably don’t even
realize. It always seems to be that way, with God. We are always the last to
know. The reasons for this are only known to God ... " more than watchmen wait for the morning


"How long until we become new?
When still waters are stirred,
For depths have yet to be probed.
When days disappear into ribbons,
True words are yet spoken.
In shadows and clouds
Rippling across lazy horizons,
Like a secret waiting to be told
Behind the gentlest of lips.
The future is unknown
And so is my heart’s tune,
Sung only to itself
In the flame of burning nothingness.
Beauty is fleeting, they say,
And charm is deceit.
Then why does the stony brook melt
In a flood of molten wonder
When the question has yet to be asked?
Who is the speaker
And the trees that sway gently
While the horizons fade in the silence?
And farcical lines
That mean nothing
Are but a dream of an old man
Whose fear is
To be an only child
Bearing an inheritance of sunlight
Distilled in the windy breeze.
I drift away in my verse
As I forget the sound of your whisper
And the prayer of a desperate heart
Trying anxiously
To play it cool." more than watchmen wait for the morning


"A sign you’re growing in grace is less bombast about not being a legalist & more humility because you “get” the gospel. A sign you’re growing in grace is less theological arrogance & greater appreciation for diversity in the Body of Christ. A sign you’re growing in grace is you work much harder at remembering names and forgetting slights. A sign you’re growing in grace is that everybody notices it but you. A sign you’re growing in grace is movement from destructive cynicism towards redemptive engagement. Anybody can spew. A sign you’re growing in grace is that you’re less like a drive-by-shooting with criticisms & more of a healing presence. A sign you’re growing in grace is evident when you receive feedback non-defensively and give it clearly & lovingly. A sign you’re growing in grace is evident when people don’t feel like they have to walk on egg shells around you as much. A sign you’re growing in grace is when you say, “I’ll be prayin’ for ya”, and you follow through on at least 50%. A sign you’re growing in grace is committing fewer homicides in your heart of slow drivers. A sign you’re growing in grace is praying for our government rather than simply being cynical about our government. A sign you are growing in grace is that you are more disgusted with your critical spirit than offended by others’ sins." Unconfusing

“Our Father, every day you give
The food by which our bodies live.
For this we thank you from our heart,
And pray that as we this day start,
You might allow our eyes to see
Your endless generosity.
And grant that when we thus are filled
We may do only what you’ve willed.”
John Piper’s breakfast prayer

“We’re grateful, Father, for this hour
To rest and draw upon your power,
Which you have shown in sun and rain
And measured out to every grain.
Let all this food which you have made
And graciously before us laid
Restore our strength for these next hours
That you may have our fullest powers.”
Piper’s lunch prayer

“How faithful, Father, is your care!
Again, as always, food is there.
Again you have set us before
A meal we pray will mean much more
Than single persons filled with food;
Let there be, Lord, a loving mood.
And as you make our bodies new
Come now and feed our oneness, too.”
Piper’s supper prayer

So my friend, whoever you are. Know in your heart: You are entirely unnecessary. Entirely. Unnecessary. You are a profligate extravagance, a superfluous addendum, a needless flourish. The Lord, His universe, His church, His kindgom purposes could so easily do without you. You are completely surplus to requirements...

But you don’t need to be needed. You only think you need to be needed because you’ve forgotten you’re loved. So let me remind you…

You are wanted. You are desired. And not for anything ‘you offer.’ You are surplus to requirements. But our God doesn’t deal in requirements, He enjoys the surplus. He delights in you.

The link between Christ cancelling my sin on the cross and my sin being conquered is a Holy Spirit empowered will.”
— John Piper
I Act the Miracle
(Minneapolis, Minn.: Desiring God Ministries, Feb. 24, 2011)


“There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’”— Abraham Kuyper

I like the imagery - like a little boy being handed his favourite toy. :D
an email I sent to a friend some time that week:

'Friends and family don't need to have faith in you that you will do great things; and just because of the type of humans the world is made up of, faith in people is hard to come across. Rather, we just need to have faith in God - and that he will use you.

I have faith in YOU because I have faith in GOD. We are all flawed - but God has such GREAT plans that he can use broken tools in creating a masterpiece - he knows when we will bend and at what points we would snap - and he allows us to be pushed to our limits.

[Things] may be messy but I'm just looking at all these new people you've met the last few weeks - people that will be able to sustain you spiritually - if not to the depth that others will. God has plans for you - he has plans for everyone - but he has a specific plan for you which he will continue to unfold.

I expect to see you [succeed]. Why? I don't have 'faith' that you will run around trying to argue everyone to pieces, or just find 'evidence' to refute their arguments. Instead, we'll just sit back and wait for God to change a few hearts. And hey - If God has [turn everyone in the way to passionate believers] JUST to let [it happen] - why not! It works in the twisted logic of a very creative Creator!

Trust God - and when trust fails there's hope - and when hope fails what is left but faith that something is happening that is great.'

And I have NO IDEA where that advice came from! Well, actually that's not true (:D) It's actually pretty obvious who thought it up. *smile at heavens*

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