Sunday, October 24, 2010


I live two lives ...
Two separate lives in two worlds.

These two worlds meet, but not for long. Usually, just long enough to pass from one to the other.

And I can't explain them.

One of them is by far preferable to the other; sometimes it's the only thing that keeps me going. But when I'm in the other life seems to be more pointless and dull - like a white room with everything covered with a layer of fine, grey dust.

All I hope, is that I further explore and explain my perspective of God, humanity and the relationship between them, that the two worlds will be less in conflict with each other, or that they will become clearer to others, and that I will no longer doubt my sanity.

So ... to begin.

A man had a dream and was in heaven, with all of humanity who were, are and will be. God made an announcement; there was going to be a crisis and He needed volunteers to help it. But not everyone could be involved.

Those who wished to help lined up in single file. One by one, God would take them aside, speak to them quietly and some would then leave the group.

When it got to the man's turn, he wasn't sure what to expect.
'Are you sure you want to do this?' God asked him. 'It will not be easy. They will doubt my existence, mock you for believing. There will be challenges ~ and adventures ~ around every corner. Even the music playing in the background will be degrading. They will force you into corners, all of them just a tool of the enemy.' His eyes were full of so much pain.
'There is so much good you can do, so much of the world you can change without even realising, but it is also so easy to fall out of line.'

'Child, I love you, and I know you. But it is your decision. Are you sure you want to do this?'

We all signed our name on the register of the war. But so many people have wandered - like sheep - from the road. And now the wolves are prowling.

I live in two worlds ~ Earth and something beyond. Do you believe in the things that go bump in the night? But after this year, after the people I've met, the things I've seen happen, I would believe in anything as long as you pointed me to the right verse.

But I'm still in training ... and things are getting clearer every day. We're in a war, one where we all are soldiers.

'Praise the Lord, who is my rock.
He trains my hands for war
and gives my fingers skill for battle.' (Ps 144:1 NLT)

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